Templates and Tips


The following is the commit template for challenges/code and challenges/hack

Fill the fields in angle brackets <> as indicated in these comments. These comments will not appear in the final commit message.

  • <product\> will be challenges
  • <scope\> can either be code for programming, hack, vbd, cyb or testing
  • <site-name\> and <chall-code\> must conform to repository naming conventions
  • <type\> It is the type attributed to your challenge. It is important for executing pipelines well within the repository. For more information about which characters or words are valid to place inside the commit body, see here: Configuration (opens in a new tab)


<product>\sol(<cyb>): #0 <site-name>, <chall-code>
- <type> solution, or something like this...

Full cybersecurity example:

chall\sol(cyb): #0 letsdefend, windows-forensics
- Cyb solution.

Remember to make ONE commit for each challenge solution. This commit must also include the appropriate number of OTHERS solutions, which is currently 10. You must to checked the commits behind master and and commits ahead before uploading your branch. Then make ONE Merge Request with that ONE commit for ONE challenge, but ONLY after the pipeline has succeeded. See https://docs.autonomicjump.com/submission/submission-intro/ (opens in a new tab).