Help Forum

Help Forum

The forum is an always-growing knowledge base from which we all can profit. Many times the problem you are facing now is the same that other candidates faced in the past. In the forum, you can find out how they solved it. Proper usage of the forum saves everyone time.

To Join our forum (opens in a new tab), please make sure to give yourself a username following the adjective-noun format, i.e. fast-jet. To open a new issue, always follow the forum template.

You could visit the forum (opens in a new tab), search for any question that you might have, open a new thread if you didn't find your problem and/or help others.

Our goal is to answer your questions as quickly as possible, so we have a format that asks you to provide all the information necessary to give us context about the issue you are facing. If you follow the format, you will get an answer. If you don't, your question will go unanswered, and the topic may be closed until you ask again using the format.


Please refer to the Forum Templates to understand the format of using the forum and to see examples.


If you found a solution on your own, please post your solution as well, if you found the solution in the thread, please mark it as solved with the solution.