

In this page you will go through the structure and most important features of this repository. It is ideal that you become familiar with its structure before you start trying to post solutions, as it is big and you might feel lost.

The code solutions are stored in the following way in the repository:


Folder to store testing challenges.

    <site> (directory)
    └── <testing-challenge-name> (directory)
      ├──<gitlab-username.feature> (solution file)
      ├──<gitlab-username.yml> (YAML file)
      └──<gitlab-username> (evidence folder) (optionally in Google drive folder)
        ├── <evidence-img.png> (evidence img in png)
        └── <gitlab-username.ext> (script/exploit used) (optionally in repository folder)


      • friendglak.feature
      • friendglak.yml
      • friendglak.feature
      • friendglak.yml
      • friendglak.feature
      • friendglak.yml
  • Rules

    • The naming of all files and folders, must not exceed 35 characters, written in lowercase, without any special characters and in case a white space needed use a - (dash) to replace it.


    Some of the folders described in the structure contain special files:

    • LINK.lst: Contains the challenge URL. This file must only have one line with the challenge link and it must give an HTTP 200 response when visiting it (No redirection).

    • OTHERS.lst: It contains the links to the external solutions found on the Internet for that challenge. They must not be read or used as a reference to solve the challenge. This file allows an automatic script to perform a similarity analysis with the challenges sent by the candidates.